In this day and age, it shouldn't be so hard to get internet connection. But then again, I have been in the south for 3 days. (ouch) Apologies to any of my southern friends. :-) Ok, the first day was interesting, only in that it was my first day back driving distance. I left Riverside, CA and took I15 north to I40 east, and that was my route the entire way to Morganton NC. 40 is a pretty good road all in all. Vast amounts of desert until you get to Oklahoma, and you trade desert for open plains. There were some pretty sites, and I will post some phone pics I took. I have to get a little camera I can shoot with while driving and takes good pictures. On my shopping list. But for now, my phone will have to do. Stopped in Gallup, New Mexico for the night. Slept at a T/A truck stop, right in front of a railroad track. I swear a train went by every 15 min. and was wailing on the horn. I thought it might keep me awake, but guess I was too tired for that. Can't go through Gallup without thinking about the Run For The Wall trip that Long Hair and I did. I get emotional every time I think about it. Next morning headed east again. Passed my favorite fireworks stand in Moriarity NM later that morning. Might have to stop there on my way through next time.
Some interesting things I noticed from the road. There are a heck of a lot of Fed-Ex trucks running on I40. I mean a lot!! Also, quite a few Red Bull trucks, but the little bobtail type trucks, and they almost always seem to be running in two's. Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a bigger truck? Just saying! :-) Also interesting, was the windmill blades being transported. Now when you look at these windmills on the hills driving down the road they don't look all that impressive. But, just one blade being transported on a truck does. Wish I could have gotten a picture, but these things are at least 70' long on a special trailer. I'd say a good 8-10' in diameter. Huge!! On blade per truck and I must have seen 15 or more from NM all the way to Arkansas. I wonder if all these clean energy people think about how much it costs in fuel to get one of these windmills working? Just a thought. Ran out of fuel Tuesday afternoon. The fuel gauge on this truck is just plain messed up. It said half a tank, but going up a light grade it just quit running. Everything seemed normal, so that was the first thing I checked. Sure enough, no fuel. Made a call and got help pretty quick, but had to backtrack a little for fuel and all in all cost me about 3. 5 hours,. Outside of Amarillo TX, saw a bad accident. Well, the remains of it anyway. Only saw one car, on a trailer with the roof completely caved in. There was what was left of a big rig sideways across the west side of the road burned to the ground. Completely!! Tractor and trailer gone except for some scrap. Sobering visual. Sure hope the poor driver got out alive. No CB radio, so couldn't get the gossip. That's on my shopping list too. Stayed a little outside of Oklahoma City Wed night, drove so late I just pulled over and went to sleep. Got up early and headed into Arkansas. This is a real pretty state. At least what I saw of it. Lots of greenery and pretty flowers along the road. Was an overcast day, but nice. Weather was pretty good all the way, but woke up to rain Friday morning. Only had a 4 hour run to the terminal so not all that bad, but good rain, some fog, and the Great Smokey Mtns made for slow driving. Made it yesterday about 2PM, did some of my orientation, but it got late. They also looked at my truck and I need brakes, so they are doing that today. I hope to get out of here by this evening if they get it fixed. I will be heading for Seattle Wa. from here. Then I hope to get home for a couple of days. Take care my friends. Hopefully I will be able to post more often on this next leg.
Sounds like an interesting trip so far. Maybe you'll get to have dinner with Britt on the way home from Seattle :) Stay safe!
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff! Keep it coming! I sure hope I get to see you on your way through Portland! XOXO
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, got to love that I40 trip! That was my route when I brought Charlie's truck home and then back again. Next pass through OK,'ya got to have lunch or dinner at Lucille's Road House. Steaks and a shrimp basket to die for! It's on the west side of Oklahoma City right off the I40. It's either on Airport Rd or Main St. It's clustered with a Holiday Inn Express and a good sized Fuel Stop (plenty of big rig parking in the rear). I should mention that there seems to be a very liberal "open carry" law in OK. 2/3 of the locals in the place were strapped. But hey, think about it, a bunch of local hillbillies with sidearms, massive quantities of beer and a Roadhouse in the middle of nowhere, what could possibly go wrong.....keep the shiny side up....Oh yeah…buy yourself a dipstick…we don’t need no stinking fuel gauges…
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm hoping I40 doesn't become a usual, but I think I saw that spot you are talking about. I'll have to look for it if I am out that way again. Always looking for a good steak out on the road. I already have a sort of a dipstick. When I ran out in New Mexico, I suspected fuel, and found a rubber bungee with the hooks missing. It isn't long enough to go to the bottom, but I know when there are only a couple of inches of fuel on it, it is time to stop. We are required to fuel at Love's Travel Centers, so finding one when you need it can be challenging, but I have a book now with all their sites. I am also getting used to the routes I am taking and where they are along the way.