Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello again

I am still having difficulty posting from the road. I am supposed to be able to post from my phone, but I sent 4 posts, the last two weeks, and none of them have shown up. I don't know what is wrong, and support for this site is weak, at best. I am considering using another provider if I can find one that isn't too expensive and I can post from a mobile phone. Anyway, had a real intense trip last time out. I was gone, from July 8th until Thur the 21, but went to AZ at 3AM on the 22nd and didn't get home until 11:30 that night. I drove 5766 miles during that time. Into Canada twice, I picked up a trailer in Corning, CA on the 15th from another driver, who took my trailer I loaded in Wenatchee back south and I took his to BC. That was after my first delivery to BC, and a trip to Spokane, Yakima, and Wenatchee to deliver furniture for two days. Got some good and bad pictures of the Columbia River. I am still amazed by the breadth and length of that river. When I retire, I am going to do a tour of it, from it's source to where it flows into the Pacific. It is so large, it is breathtaking. I will post a couple of pictures of it. In one, there is a bridge going across it. If you look hard at that bridge you will see a semi-truck or two on it to give you a perspective of how large the river is. Came all the way from Spokane, down to I84 that runs west and follows the river through the Dalles, and to Portland. What a beautiful drive, if you have never been, I highly recommend it. Things are going well. I finally got the A/C fixed in the truck for good, and it is a true blessing. Especially on hot nights when you are trying to sleep. Before I got it fixed, I got bit up pretty badly by mosquitoes on one particularly hot evening when I left the windows open a crack. I don't know what kind of mosquitoes they were, but the bites filled with puss, got huge, and lasted for a week or more. I still have marks on my hands and legs where they were. Never had that happen before. I am finally an official employee, I received my application for health insurance and had to have it in by tomorrow. So, I passed my probation period and they want to keep me around. In fact, I told my dispatcher I had to have Aug 6 at home because my family is throwing a birthday party for me and some of our friends. Said they would kill me if I didn't show. She sent me a message told me not to worry that she would have me home, I am too valuable to the company to have me get killed. My dispatcher is always telling me thanks, and what a good job I'm doing. It is good to know that at least all the hard work and time away from Friends and Family is appreciated.
Well, it was nice being home for a weekend, although most of my friends and family were gone to Vegas. Went to a party at the Legion, that the Legion Riders threw Saturday night and had a real good time. It was good to see some of my Veteran Brothers cutting loose. Yesterday just lounged around recupping, and then had dinner with my sister Mickie and her husband Bill. I am leaving in an hour or so for another trip. I will try to post from the road, but don't expect much.

Take care my friends


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hello from home

I am still home after getting here on Saturday night. Had a great day at my Sister Mickie and Bill's house on Sunday. I was still a little tired, but had a nice time. Fourth of July was spent at home mostly. Went for a little motorcycle ride in the morning with some friends. Had some breakfast, and stopped for a beer. Then I came home to meet up with my son. It was really good to see him, and we talked for a few hours. Then Becky and I just stayed home and watched the fireworks extravaganza from the comfort of the motor home. There was plenty to see, and lasted until nearly 10PM. I was pretty sure I was going to head out again Tuesday night, or at least tonight, but have not received a call. I am going to call in the morning. My truck was heating up a little and I left it at the shop when I got back Saturday, so it may be having some repair done to it. The last trip was a good one, as far as earnings go. I left out Friday night, went straight to Vancouver BC Monday morning, dropped my trailer and picked up an empty. Took that to the Puyallup WA yard and dropped it there. Had another trailer for BC Tuesday with 5 drops. Got back to WA late that evening, had some dinner with a driver and his wife who works out of that office, spent the night there and then I had a local delivery of about a half a trailer Wednesday. I was out of hours for the week, and had to reset my time there. Pretty boring. There is not a thing to do there, no driver lounge, or much of anything else, so you just pretty much have to sit in your truck for a day and try to keep from going crazy. After the reset, which was then Friday morning I had my load coming south, and headed out. I had 5 deliveries in Oregon for the way back, managed to get them all off on Friday, got to Corning, CA that night grabbed a few hours of sleep and headed out around 2:30AM Saturday morning. I did this to try and avoid some of the holiday traffic. It worked until around 7AM then it was pretty heavy traffic the rest of the way home. I broke off I5 in Bakersfield and took Hwy 58 over Tehachapi to avoid the LA area traffic. Worked pretty well, because traffic was light through Mojave and all the way into Victorville. Anyway, that pretty much sums up last week. Only real things of note, I saw two major accidents, both in WA, and both overturned cars. Honestly, how bad of a driver do you have to be to turn your car over on the freeway? I'm thinking pretty bad. Also coming through OR on Friday, saw a big diesel pusher motor home that had burned up. Totally destroyed. All the windows broken out and the interior totally burned up. Sad, an expensive 3 axle number that had to cost in the high 100's or $200 thousand. Other than that, no accidents the rest of the way home, which surprised me for a holiday weekend.

Take care everyone
